Each generation involved in legacy planning has excitement and anxiety. The younger generation is eager to find their place in a family operation and they are anxious about their future. The asset-holding generation is eager to have help and a new, fresh outlook (and back) to tackle projects on the farm; they are anxious about financial security and if their legacy will be continued with the same hard work, dedication and quality they invested. Ways to bridge the goals of each generation and ways to shift leadership and responsibility to the next generation will be highlighted by personal stories and concrete strategies to use every day on the farm.
Leaving and Building a Legacy
GMO, Organic, Grass-Fed. The list of words used to describe food is endless and hard to interpret. It is important that science-based information is utilized when having discussions with consumers. Learn about the science of our food and how to describe practices and processing to our consumers in laments terms so trust is built allowing for an increase in demand of our agriculture products.
Educating Consumers Using Words We All Understand
Genetic engineering is a topic that is confusing and hard for consumers to understand and hard for those connected to agriculture to describe as they simply don’t have the science background and understanding to educate those that are fearful of our technologies. Gain a better understanding of GMOs and how we can advocate and educate consumers.
The Confused Consumer